Monday, April 1, 2013

A new week yes, productive? That’s a matter of opinion!

 I finally got my water heater put in and finally have hot water!  My ward branch has really helped make it happen. The thought of going without hot water a fourth week would have been heart wrenching.  I love camping but camping for 3 weeks inside my own home is enough!

We have to replace all the piping to the upstairs bathroom. That is going to be another 1200 dollars. The pipes are completely rotted out. The leaks started coming through the ceiling in the kitchen. The plumber temporarily put a “band aid” on the pipe in hopes that it could last for a another two weeks. As soon as he left the other side of it started dripping at a very fast rate. The only way to get it to stop is to turn all the water off. Seriously! From one problem to another.  I was also told we have a leak somewhere between the Well and the house. And most likely need to redo the septic tank before I have problems with that. I seriously don’t know if we will ever get to the fun part in redecorating the house.  In the meantime I am going to have to turn off the water at night to keep it from leaking all night long. There is no way I can sleep through that sound, but I worry about the pipes freezing with the water off. Ugh. I need to cut into the ceiling and get some flex seal to band aid that, but I don’t think I even have enough money to do that. It is really hard to keep going in a complete money pit of a farm house. I keep getting flash backs of the movie Baby Boom when she is out in the country and everything is falling apart. Yeah that’s this house.  Add the movie “Money Pit” to the scene and I am sure I will have a lot of the same experiences.  These are the moments that sometimes you have to say “I hate my life”! 

 Finally on Thursday we have hot water to part to part of the house with no leaks. Now we need to address the upstairs. But I can breath a little now the first part of my week was crazy as you can see from my first paragraph “Bitch Fit”

 I attempted to start my new job on Tuesday March 26th.  I need internet to update and synch the netbook I use to put in the data. It wasn’t working right and I need the help desk to redo it and reset the passwords so I can even start. Only I don’t have my cell phone on to use away from home and I don’t have internet at home. So it is really hard to get going on it. I am supposed to go into the county building and go through the assessor records. I have to record all real estate sales and deed into a new soft ware program. It is easy enough but what I need is internet connect with my cell phone at the same time. We have spent it all on the house trying to get heat water and keep drinking water in the house until they can come and filter that.  The leak in the well will explain why the water isn’t that drinkable!  But again on Thursday I got the help desk to fix my computer remotely so it would work!. Monday morning, 3 weeks late I start my new job! YES!!!

Small towns are still very much behind in records keeping. I need to go back clear to 20005. But for now I am starting with March Feb and Jan of 2013. I work under a contract so I make my own hours which are a plus. My goal is to be up to 600 documents a week by the end of April, if I can ever start! The extra income will be going towards my daughter’s college housing, her car and beautifying this house!  She is earning her car by watching Eric for me so I can work.  IF I CAN EVER START WORK! MONDAY may be the best Monday ever!
On a better note.....
Emma started school on Wednesday. Celia still has to wait because the Principle at Sisseton High wants to talk to her Counselor at GJHS regarding her credits, and they are on Spring break. So Celia now has to wait until after Easter to start school. She isn’t happy about that. The boys should start next Monday as well. 

Todd Finally got home Wednesday so of course Thursday was a better day! No wonder why we now have hot water and we ordered more propane. He was home just in time. We woke up to no heat. Propane was out! But now that he is home I will have better luck! Things are always easier when my husband is home!
LOVE these Deer!

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